I forgot to mention that my grandmother got me one of those Izone cameras… you know, the little polaroid camera that makes little tiny pictures with adhesive backs. It’s really fun. Mom took the best pic of me and Indy with it though – Indy is mid-yawn and it looks evil!
Next Saturday I am going to do this “Trot for Spot” thing. It’s a fundraiser walk for the Memphis Humane Society, so Indy and I are going to walk. It’s 3 miles so I don’t intend to do the whole thing… Maybe a mile. I’m not worried about my legs or feet getting sore – I’m worried about my arm, LOL. Indy will be dragging me everywhere. But I get a t-shirt and stuff and get to see lots of other dogs so it’ll be fun.
I just really hope they don’t have any dogs for adoption out there… gosh, I can’t even look at them without wanting to adopt them all. I mean look at them!
Wow, that was a tangent. I just meant to say I got a new Izone and would be taking it to the trot for spot thing.
Note to self: talk about the clovers next time.